Even after around 8 years since the 9/11 attacks on the then highest towers of the world, the World Trade Centers, the world still mourns that gruesome events and what followed immediately after.

As a matter of fact, those lives lost, were paid homage to at the memorial Ground Zero.
As a matter of fact, those lives lost, were paid homage to at the memorial Ground Zero but very few are actually aware of the fact that many of those who survived that horrid experience, are still financially weak.
There are many security workers, demolition workers, fire brigade personnel and so on who were doing their job after the attacks to make sure as many people could be saved as possible.
In doing so, in the most adverse surroundings and atmospheric conditions, many of them succumbed to injuries that made their family financial foundation brittle.
After the blow had passed, the USA along with foreign countries had their heartfelt support for the sufferers and those who volunteered to help.
The response after the 9/11 attacks was overwhelming but that was not enough. The fund for 9/11 compensation is going out while the sufferers are still there waiting for medical as well as financial support.
There were also many cases where the volunteers were not eligible for compensation just because he/she was not part of any agency –hence, no pension and no death benefit; no matter how dedicatedly they had volunteered during the ghastly events and how responsibly they have led a life as a citizen.

The infamous ‘World Trade Center cough’ was an immediate effect on them while many out there were oblivious to deadly diseases for years.
After the attack, the towers collapsed along with titanic amount of glass, fibres, lead, dust, asbestos, pulverized cement, tons of dust and a plethora of carcinogenic materials to which many of the first responders, survivors and those who lived and worked in the surrounding area have become exposed to.
The infamous ‘World Trade Center cough’ was an immediate effect on them while many out there were oblivious to deadly diseases for years.
Rare cancers, gastronomical and respiratory illness were and are still present among the survivors who were exposed to Ground Zero atmosphere.
Nearly 200 firefighters, FBI agents and other security staff had succumbed to death, leaving their families in turmoil.

3000 deaths after the attack.
The alarming thing is that the death toll and diseases would surpass 3000 deaths after the attack and since 2015 the claimed deaths due to exposure on 9/11 has increased up to 235% by 2018.
Before 2015, the claims for cancer were 22% which is increased now to 32%. The VCF (Victims Compensation Fund) is likely to end by 8th December in 2020 and it is highly susceptible that many would succumb to diseases by then.
Besides, Department of Justice also mentioned that mesothelioma, caused by asbestos exposure on 9/11 takes decades to show symptoms and by then the fund might be exhausted.