The Most Unbelievable Conspiracy Theories About 9/11

It has been 17 years, ever since the attack took place in the United States on the 11th of September but even after so many long years conspiracy theories continue to exist. Ever since the breaking down of the Twin Tower a lot of official reports got published, but when there is doubt on a single theory immediately there is …

9/11 Is A Conspiracy, Suggests Recent Revelations

A recent survey has established that 54.3% of Americans believe the government is concealing vital information about 9/11. If this were true, it could only mean one thing – the government is trying to hide an ugly truth. And this notion is not so hard to believe especially considering that it has happened in America’s history over and over again. …

Conspiracy and Controversial Theories of 9/11 Which Will Blow Your Mind

Even after the attacks of 9/11 on America, many theorists gave their conspiracy theories shortly after the attacks.Some of the stories brought up facts and arguments but some of the theories couldn’t hold up at all.Some of the theorists believed that the destruction of World Trade Centre buildings was done by bombs. The phone calls from the planes were made …